Joint Call for “Rustaveli-DAAD”

Call for Joint Rustaveli-DAAD-Fellowship Programme 2023:
Who can Apply?
- Young researchers (postdocs) / 2-6 months;
- Doctoral candidates / 3 months;
- Doctoral candidates of binational doctoral programmes / 6 months.
Time frame for funding: 01.06.2024 – 30.11.2024
Application deadline:
- For electronic registration via DAAD-Portal: March 19 / 23:00
- For submission of statement of participation at SRNSFG office: March 20 / 17:00
- DAAD Regional Office Tbilisi
Nino Antadze, Tamara Latsabidze
Tel.: 0322 920 926 - Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
Rusudan Jobava
Tel.: 599 215490